At the time, I felt like I no longer knew who I was anymore because I had always been identified and introduced as Dr. I was utterly lost! It was the first time in what felt like a long time that I felt anything other than sadness. I looked up my first class and it was history from there. What pole dancing has meant to her this past year: Pole dancing has been so many things to me at so many different times.
It's giving me life, given me friends and new family, it gave me access to my sensual self that I never knew. It has saved me! It keeps me grounded in the waves of my emotional self. Her advice to those who want to start pole: My best advice when it comes to people who want to try pole is: Do it!
Look up studios in your area and take a class. Pole is for everyone and every body! As a whole we want to welcome everyone into our little piece of heaven.
Franklin is the founder of Black Girls Pole , a global community and movement diversifying the pole community by inspiring and educating women of color about pole. Why she started pole dancing: I started pole with a friend just as something to try, but here I am 13 years later and it is a major part of my life and has become my business. The world has a history of policing women and minorities in all sorts of ways, either by imposing a standard of nudity or a standard of modesty to them.
I am Italian. Talking about pole in an informed way brings about debates about sex work. My Christmas dinner with my parents ended up being just that: me talking about the fact that my favourite style of pole dancing is stripper style, and my parents finding problems with it because sex work is not their idea of morality. So how do you move on from this? How do you talk about pole in a way that is respectful of sex workers who have invented the sport, but that is informative to well-meaning but worried muggles?
I would like to start by saying that even though you have to thank your parents for your body, and even though a partner might enjoy looking at, cuddling and touching that body, your body is, nonetheless, yours. I used to hate my body after an abusive relationship, but realising what it can do, how strong it can be through pole has helped me learn to love myself.
If people bring up the association with stripping and sex work, please avoid any notastripper scenario. This might throw you into a debate about sex work. In my case, you might often have to agree to disagree with some people: not everyone might believe that sex work is work like I do. The more we make nudity taboo, the more our society will be about shame rather than acceptance. A body is just a body, and we all have it. And as RuPaul says…. Sensuality wise, once again, there are clear benefits to educating your children about sex as a normal, natural and healthy thing rather than as something to be ashamed of.
Which, again, proves my point. I used to do artistic gymnastics as a child and really enjoyed doing dangerous stuff upside down. The rest, as they say, is HERstory. The main issue at play here is that my parents like and value pole… as a sport.
What they struggle to come to terms with is me dancing in a thong at performances or competitions while wearing nipple tassels or crosses on my tits. Go figure. There were times in which I did not date or have sex, but did pole because it made me feel good.
So this how I dealt with it. My mum and I speak every day, multiple times a day, so I asked her to give me space for a while to process what I was feeling without shouting which I tend to do a lot. As you can imagine, you use your knees in just about every move you do when pole dancing.
Whether you are hanging upside down, performing a floor routine, or using your legs to grip the pole and spin around, it is important that you keep them protected. You use your quads thigh muscles constantly when doing moves on the pole. And one of the biggest risk factors for a knee injury is an imbalance between quad strength and flexibility- so if you have very strong quads doing all the work and weak hamstrings, you may be at risk for injury.
Many of the moves require pressure to be placed on one leg at a time. This is where your knee is most vulnerable to injuries like sprains or fractures. It is important that you learn how to do these moves correctly so as not to put excessive stress on your knees.
This is also why it is so important to warm up the knees before practice and stretch them afterward. It is also helpful to take a break during your workout if there is pain or discomfort in either knee.
As mentioned above, your knees are very active during this sport, so without taking the proper precautions, you are inevitably at risk for injury. If you have weak knees or you are recovering from a previous injury, you can minimize the risks by wearing a gel knee pad when practicing.
The inherent physical benefits have shown a light to the possible sportslike adaptation, completely abandoning its connection to striping.
Other Hobbies to try. Appreciating Nature. Target Practice. As the name suggests, its achieving fitness through working out utilizing the pole as the only piece of fitness equipment. The exercises that were developed around using the pole can completely work all areas of your body, the main difference is that instead of using a multitude of machines and other equipment, you use your own body weight for resistance. Pole Fitness has grown so much in popularity that spawned its own niche of fitness, with equipment, wardrobe, trainers, and competitions taking place worldwide.