Who is abstruse goose

Stephen Curry says:. Bob O'Hara says:. Hm, real-world spam, eh? So why would someone spam NN persuading us to buy some? Search for:. Be warned… bad satire better than the World Cup Breakthrough Prize coleoptera editorial freedom finally HKSEIAH I have a friend in me journals meta navel-gazing publishing silliness Too many equations what is a keyword anyway whinging.

Occams Typewriter. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3. The Joy of Programming, with Bob Ross abstrusegoose. Important Messages abstrusegoose. Reading Other People's Code abstrusegoose. Abstruse Goose abstrusegoose. Forbidden Fruit abstrusegoose. A strategic acceleration of our loss of objectivity abstrusegoose.

I used all the right buzzwords abstruse goose abstrusegoose. Startup Buzzwords [comic] abstrusegoose. Unreasonable Effectiveness abstrusegoose. The posts still seem to be coming regularly, but many of the structural elements - like all the stuff in this lefthand pane - are a bit outdated.

What can I say? Insane, etc. I started this site because it had been clear to me for a while that xkcd is no longer a great webcomic though it once was. Alas, many of its fans are too caught up in the faux-nerd culture that xkcd is a part of, and can't bring themselves to admit that the comic, at this point, is terrible. While I still like a new comic on occasion, I feel that more and more of them need the Iron Finger of Mockery knowingly pointed at them.

This used to be called "XKCD: Overrated", but then it fell from just being overrated to being just horrible. Thus, xkcd sucks. Here is a comic about me that Ann made. It is my favorite thing in the world.

Saturday, September 6, A new guy on the scene. Posted by Carl. Andy September 7, at PM.


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