What was the right setting for Thumper? Jake Day and the white-tailed deer prevailed. He helped arrange for two four-month-old Maine fawns to model Bambi and his sweetheart Faline. The fawns took a four-day train ride from Maine to Hollywood. For nine months they sat in a circle around the real Bambi and Faline and sketched them as they lost their spots and grew into adulthood.
A few of the drawings became deer fodder. The artists drew 2 million drawings for the film. Only , were used. They found another boy, Donnie Dunagan , who later joined the Marines. Bambi premiered in London on Aug. By , Jake Day was tired of California and returned with his family to Damariscotta for six months every year.
In a wooden shed behind his house he carved birds and animals for sale, painted, photographed and hiked. He climbed Mt. Katahdin on his 75 th birthday and would have done the same on his 80 th but the black flies were too bad.
Bambi is briefly separated from his mother during that time but is escorted to her by the Great Prince as the three of them make it back in the forest just as Man fires his gun. During Bambi's first winter, he and Thumper play in the snow while Flower hibernates. One day his mother takes him along to find food when Man shows up again. As they escape, his mother is shot and killed by the hunter, leaving the little fawn mournful and alone.
Taking pity on his abandoned son, the Great Prince leads Bambi home as he reveals to him that he is his father. Next year, Bambi has matured into a young stag, and his childhood friends have also entered young adulthood.
They are warned of "twitterpation" by Friend Owl and that they will eventually fall in love, although the trio views the concept of romance with scorn. However, Thumper and Flower soon encounter their beautiful romantic counterparts and abandon their former thoughts on love. Bambi himself encounters Faline as a beautiful doe. However, their courtship is quickly interrupted and challenged by a belligerent older stag named Ronno, who attempts to force Faline away from Bambi.
Bambi successfully manages to defeat Ronno in battle and earn the rights to the doe's affections. Bambi is awakened afterward by the smell of smoke; he follows it and discovers it leads to a hunter camp. His father warns Bambi that Man has returned with more hunters. Although Bambi is separated from Faline in the turmoil and searches for her along the way, the two flee to safety. He soon finds her cornered by Man's vicious hunting dogs, which he manages to ward off.
Bambi escapes them and is shot by a hunter. Meanwhile, at the "Man's" camp, their campfire suddenly spreads into the forest, resulting in a wildfire from which the forest residents flee in fear. Bambi, his father, Faline, and the forest animals manage to reach shelter on a riverbank. The following spring, Faline gives birth to twins under Bambi's watchful eye as the new Great Prince of the Forest. In , Sidney Franklin, a producer and director at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer , purchased the film rights to Felix Salten 's novel Bambi, a Life in the Woods , intending to adapt it as a live-action film.
After years of experimentation, he eventually decided that it would be too difficult to make such a film and he sold the film rights to Walt Disney in April Disney began work on crafting an animated adaptation immediately, intending it to be the company's second feature-length animated film and their first to be based on a specific, recent work. However, the original novel was written for an adult audience, and was considered too "grim" and "somber" for a regular light-hearted Disney film.
The artists also discovered that it would be challenging to animate deer realistically. These difficulties resulted in Disney putting production on hold while the studio worked on several other projects. In , Disney assigned Perce Pearce and Carl Fallberg to work on the film's storyboards, but attention was soon drawn away as the studio began working on Fantasia.
Finally, on August 17, , production on Bambi began in earnest, but progressed slowly owing to changes in the studio personnel, location, and methodology of handling animation at the time.
Originally the film was intended to have six individual bunny characters, similar to the dwarfs in Snow White. However Perce Pearce suggested that they could instead have five generic rabbits and one rabbit with a different color than the rest, with one tooth, would have a very distinct personality. This character later became known as Thumper. There originally was a brief shot in the scene where Bambi's mother dies of her jumping over a log and getting shot by a man.
Larry Morey, however, felt the scene was too dramatic, and that it was emotional enough to justify having her death occurring off screen. Most hunters get tags for bucks-only because one buck will breed with numerous does to produce the next crop of deer. The movie shows about twice as many bucks as does.
This would be considered terrible wildlife management. Since all the deer are in one meadow, disease and starvation could be a major issue. Good wildlife management through hunting could prevent an eventual collapse in the deer population. The movie shows springtime with all kinds of vegetation.
In the long, cold winter, deer are seen eating bark high off the trees. This indicates the habitat was not good for deer. In a tough winter, such as the recent one in the Inland Northwest, sportsmen spend huge amounts of time and money hauling hay and feed to help deer avoid starvation.
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My perceptions of the movie are much different than when I was a youngster. Deer are in the rut in late October through November.