I have a 5 year old son and the more modern lively church seems to appeal more to him. I visit the modern church on saturday nights and my traditional church sunday mornings. Is this an acceptable reason and way of going about dual membership? We are having a vote on whether to keep our pastor, and it will be a close one. There is a couple that has dual membership. In our constitution it does recognize the dual membership but does not say whether they have voting rights.
I have heard both sides to the argument, but would like your opinion on it. God bless you, and thank you! Is it wrong for people to leave a church to start a new church and invite members from the former church to participate in their service? Thank you. I feel the secular world leaves a lot on the table in terms of spiritually and community solidarity, but doctrinal matters are not very important to me at the moment.
I was wondering if there are any rules prohibiting being a member of more than one church. For example, I suspect the Unitarians are up my alley philosophically, but I also would like to avail myself of the benefits inherent in the wealth and power the Catholic Church has. Eastern religions also interest me. Is it possible to simultaneously belong to a Christian Church and a Hindu one, for example? Muslim and Buddhist? Or any other combination?
I am a bi-vocational pastor at a small, rural SBC church in northwest Texas. A few weeks ago, I accepted the bi-vocational pastorate at a second small SBC church here in our community. So, I am currently the pastor of 2 distinct and autonomous SBC churches.
I am already a member of the first church, but feel as though I need to formally join the second church as well. Do you agree and do you know how I would go about doing so? Featured Resources Tools for Your Church. Many occupations required extended travel time or a very difficult commute.
It is becoming more common for people to spend parts of life in location A and then the remainder in location B.
This split can last for days, months, or even years in some cases. With this separation, it would be untenable to have a Christian be without some form of the local church. If in the case of a months-years long separation from a church, the standard practice is to establish new membership in a new church with the blessing of the old church. After the commitment is over, the worker can return to their home church and reestablish membership. In this case, generally, the primary church membership will be maintained and the new church is attended as a regular attender.
School is where you will most likely see a split of memberships. A student will be away from their home church, that they are planning on returning to and reestablishing themselves with. During this time, establishing and maintaining membership within a local church body will hopefully help to forego many of the pitfalls often seen in the college years.
When we discuss the benefits in the merits of church membership it is important to remember why God placed church membership as such a high function of the church.
The purpose of church membership throughout the New Testament was for the building up and edification of the saints within a local body. We have an entire blog post that you can read here That explains exactly what the Bible says about church membership. In a nutshell, church membership is for the coming together of local Christians to do the work of Christ in the local community and abroad whilst joining together in fellowship and edification.
For just as you once presented your members as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness leading to more lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves to righteousness leading to sanctification. The purpose of the local body having membership within the local church because it is a mandate of Christ. The couple is encouraged to use the information and tools provided in this program to achieve a consensus on how to address each issue.
The program is divided into eight units: The Communication unit provides couples skills they can use when discussing topics related to religious differences. The Problem-solving unit offers a six-step model for identifying possible solutions to challenging issues. The Religious Differences unit offers guidelines for effectively managing religious differences between the couple. The Spiritual Bond unit examines ways in which couples can develop a religious or spiritual bond in their relationship.
The Religious Affiliation unit examines the pros and cons of changing religious affiliation.