Why wordsworth is a romantic poet

In them the note of music, imaginative supremacy and emotional excitement the chief characteristics of romanticism were introduced in the finest possible way. In place of Heroic Couplet a variety of metrical experiments were made by the poet. To conclude it can be rightly said that Wordsworth was one of the greatest protagonist of the Romantic movement. William Wordsworth as a poet of Nature. William Wordsworth Biography.

William Collins Biography. John Dryden Biography. Alexander Pope Biography. John Donne as a Metaphysical Poet. What is poetry? What are its main characteristics?

What is a lyric and what are its main forms? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. William Wordsworth as a Romantic Poet. We just provide the Images and PDF links already available on the internet. If any way it violates the law or has any issues then kindly mail us: guidersarkari gmail. In it, he used a language that was a selection from the ordinary speech.

Thus, the poems of the Lyrical Ballads showed originality both in subject matter and in language and were a departure from all previous practice. Coleridge contributed in Lyrical Ballads only The Ancient Mariner and four other poems in blank verse. In his poems, Coleridge endeavoured to employ to give credibility to the miraculous The Prelude , an autobiographical poem is the spiritual record of his mind, honestly recording its own intimate experiences, and endowed with a rare capacity for making the record intelligible.

It is an idealized version of his spiritual growth in which he escapes into the higher reality of his imagination.

It emphasized particularly his surrender of the charm of logic to the claims of the emotion which became a cardinal principle of all the later Romantic poets. No poems in English offers a parallel. It was composed in bland verse and had an epical scale. Wordsworth also wrote some of the finest sonnets in which he wanted to awaken England from lathargy, to condemn Napoleon and to record many of his own moods Wordsworth also wrote some famous sonnets.

He wrote the sonnets to arouse England to a sense of her responsibility in international affairs, and to express memorable moment in his own experience. In the Immortality Ode, he recorded a mystical intuition of a life before birth which can be recovered in a few fortunate moments in the presence of nature. He expresses his personal thoughts, feelings through his poems. Here he says that he can't see the celestial light anymore which he used to see in his childhood. He says, "It is not now as it hath been of yore;- Turn wheresoe'er I may, By might or day, The things which I have seen I now can see on more.

The sounding cataract haunted him like a passion. Nature was his beloved. He loved only the sensuous beauty of nature. He has also a philosophy of nature. Pantheism and mysticism: Pantheism and mysticism are almost interrelated factors in the Nature poetry of the Romantic period. Wordsworth conceives of a spiritual power running through all natural objects- the " presence that disturbs me with the low of elevated thoughts" whose dwelling is the light of setting suns, the rolling ocean.

Wordsworth had a superabundant enthusiasm for humanity. He was deeply interested in the simple village folk and the peasant who live in contact with nature. Wordsworth showed admiration for the ideals that inspired the French Revolution. Emphasis in individual freedom is another semantic characteristic. Wordsworth laments for the loss of power, freedom and virtue of human soul.

Lyricism: Wordsworth is famous for simple fiction, bereft of artificialities and falsity of emotion. He writes, "Earth fills her lap with pleasures of her own: Yearnings she hath in her own natural kind, And, even, with something of a Mother's mind, And, on unworthy aim, The homely Nurse doth all she can To make her Foster-child, her Innate Man, Forget the glories he hath known, And that imperial palace whence he came.

He shows the positive aspects of Romanticism with its emphasis on imagination, feeling, emotion, human dignity and significance of Nature. Newer Post Older Post Home.


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