Why its wonderful to be a woman

Women have a better emotional memory. Via: Shutterstock 5. Little girls are easier to potty train than little boys, according to my friend with six kids and my own mom. Via: Shutterstock 6. Women are more intellectually advanced and existentially secure.

Via: Shutterstock 7. The most famous caregiver in the world was a women. They can carry other humans inside their own bodies like Kangaroos. Women have higher IQs, according to a recent study. Via: Shutterstock They can make milk with their nipples. Try asking a man to do that. Women are born with the multi-tasking gene. As the old saying goes, behind every successful man is a woman. But behind every successful woman is there a great man?

They have incredibly angelic singing voices. As noted above, the more unequal the society, the more generally negative the perceptions of men. Ironically, these negative male stereotypes may in fact reinforce the idea that men are designed for dominance. This lets men off the hook for selfish, harsh, impolite and potentially harmful behaviors, because it also shows respect for the dominance these behaviors signal. It prevents prosocial behavior. So why are women more likely to be environmentally responsible, and more likely to volunteer?

For example, as the percentage of women in any given field rises, pay falls. So if being green is seen as girly, men shun eco-friendly behavior because of what it might signal about their masculinity. Most studies of gender egalitarianism focus on the benefits for women. But gender inequality can be bad for men, too.

Men living in more gender equal countries experience improved health and well-being and lower levels of violence. And as societies become more equal, the women-are-wonderful effect fades away — and men as a group become more positively perceived overall. So yes, women are wonderful. And in more egalitarian societies, men are wonderful, too. In fact, women are better with money in general, as they are less likely to pile up credit card debt, more likely to save for retirement, and more likely to measure their investments carefully.

Women are less likely to develop cardiovascular issues than men are, and become at risk for them 10 years later, in their 70s and 80s, 10 to 20 years later than when men typically have to start worrying about them. Did you know that science and data had so many reasons to support why it's great to be a women? These 10 proven facts show that it's great to be a woman. From The Web Ads by Revcontent. The Motley Fool. The content you see here is paid for by the advertiser or content provider whose link you click on, and is recommended to you by Revcontent.

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