If it covers administrative costs, how come the charges are different for different artists playing the same venue? The answer to all these questions, according to some, is: the fee is calculated on the price of the ticket and much of it is used to cover the millons of pounds that Ticketmaster in effect pay venues and promoters like Live Nation to be their "preferred" ticket solution. Let's look at the example of the O2, the most popular venue in the world.
Last year, they sold over 1. Such large payments would still be worth it considering the amount that would be made back in ticket sales. I've talked to people in the music industry about this issue.
Most of them want me to keep their identity secret when relaying their opinion, as they know how powerful Ticketmaster is and don't want to fall foul of the company. The manager of an arena-filling UK artist admitted it was infuriating that he's not able to keep the cost of tickets down for fans. A major UK agent again, anonymous says that Ticketmaster often makes more money than the artist from a concert, once the act's management has paid for the venue, promotion, sound and lights, road crew, transport, hotels etc.
What are booking fees for? The majority of our share of the booking fee is spent on staff wages. How can I tell what is ticket price, and what is a booking fee?
Back Back to top. Additionally, you should be sure to ask about any fees upfront. Often ticketing agencies have exclusive rights to sell tickets for certain events. Usually your only options are paying the extra charges, forgoing the event, or hoping you can win tickets from a contest on a local TV or radio show so you can attend the event for free.
Ticketmaster closes resale ticket websites Seatwave and GetMeIn. Posted on 13 August Launching TicketEase and our New Features. Posted on 19 March TicketEase gives you all the features you need to host your.