Who is best healer in wow

They are great Progression healers and aren't as valuable during farm. Paladins are still great in farm, they just don't shine as much as in progression. In regards to performance nothing is changing, as all covenants were already very viable and capable, with Necrolord just about clutching the very slight HPS advantage at the cost of damage contribution.

The most relevant healers remain Discipline Priests and Holy Paladins with their strong damage contribution and especially damage reduction against the bursty patterns of this raid, but Restoration Shamans are as usual very much in demand and is always the first healer you'd fill in.

Outside of that, we continue to bring a diverse healing toolkit which can be used to fit any encounter combined with other strong cooldowns like Ancestral Protection Totem and Healing Tide Totem and great mana sustainability. Healing effectiveness differs depending on the encounter, but on particularly difficult ones Mastery: Deep Healing kicks in and provides us with great throughput potential. The utility side has proven to be very useful -- Sanctum of Domination does offer multiple encounters where Wind Rush Totem has excelled, for example the Painsmith Raznal intermission spikes; or dodging the Torment slices during the Soulrender Dormazain encounter.

Interrupting with Wind Shear has a few uses: Kel'Thuzad spawns multiple Soul Shard casting Piercing Wail which need to be interrupted with similar circumstances throughout the Soulrender Dormazain and Sylvanas Windrunner encounters. Good usage of Mana Tide Totem will keep your other healers happy.

Regarding mobility, we do still struggle to quickly move to another location at times outside of Night Fae with Soulshape , but its not too bad due to Thunderous Paws giving a small boost on demand and Spiritwalker's Grace allowing us to cast during movement. Survivability wise we're looking at Astral Shift , Spirit Wolf , Vital Accretion and if you're Necrolord you have access to what is probably the most useful defensive cooldown: Fleshcraft.

Combined this is quite a decent stack of defensives and should get you out of most of the tricky situations, especially when the health from Vital Accretion is combined with a defensive - for example when you are breaking a Warmonger Shackle during the Soulrender Dormazain encounter, during which you're likely outside of all raid cooldowns. From a weakness point of view I'm again seeing the lack of damage contribution, whether passive or active and regardless of covenant, which doesn't come close to something like a Paladin or a Discipline Priest.

If you're in dire need of more damage however, you can always go Night Fae or Kyrian to provide more damage than the other covenants would have, even passively.

Overall Rating: A Although we're entering a new patch with 9. We're receiving some cosmetic changes for Efflorescence and new Travel Form , all of which look awesome, but nothing functionally is changing with the class besides a tweak the mechanics of Necrolord Adaptive Swarm. Covenant swapping doesn't really offer us too much in Sanctum of Domination simply because we've already been playing with our best covenant, Night Fae.

There may be some niche cases for the other 3 covenants; expect some shenanigans with Kyrian Kindred Spirits and Kindred Affinity being used to significantly boost the output of a single DPS, but overall it's unlikely to shake up the currently existing meta in raid. Restoration Druids have some of the highest healing throughput in Sanctum of Domination only being outclassed by Mistweaver Monk.

How we deliver that throughput has also evolved in recent expansions; where previously we were typically more sustain-oriented healers, the sheer number of burst cooldown abilities Flourish , Incarnation: Tree of Life , Tranquility , and now Night Fae's have catapulted us to one of the premier burst healers in Shadowlands.

The positives don't stop at just strong throughput. Our survivability, especially for a healer, is nearly unmatched with Barkskin , our passive healing Ysera's Gift , an on-demand defensive via Bear Form that can be further juiced up with Heart of the Wild , and even a passive Nature's Guardian -like effect via our conduit Well-Honed Instincts.

The only thing missing would be a complete immunity, but to say it's difficult to kill a Restoration Druid would be a understatement. Combine this with exceptional mobility, both personally and raid-wide via the cooldown Stampeding Roar , and you'll see there's a lot to love with Restoration Druids. There's definitely renewed emphasis on mobility in Sanctum of Domination , especially for Painsmith Raznal , Soulrender Dormazain , and Sylvanas Windrunner. Where we tend to fall short is our less than stellar unique raid utility toolkit, specifically our ability to passively contribute damage and lack of a raid-wide damage reduction cooldown.

We do still bring the highly valued Ironbark for tanks in addition to Innervate , Stampeding Roar , and a host of other more niche utility. Unfortunately, most of that utility can be replicated by the other Druid specs. To deal meaningful damage, which can be invaluable in raiding, we need to commit significant time and potentially even cooldowns like Convoke the Spirits and Heart of the Wild which can erode our healing throughput.

Fortunately, we're able to quickly switch our Domination Shards to Blood Link for some additional damage without completely destroying our healing throughput; however, all healers have access to this tool so this doesn't really put us ahead or behind any of them. Finally, reducing the dangerous onslaught of burst damage via absorbs or raid-wide damage reduction, especially when undergeared, can prove invaluable to raid survival, yet Restoration Druids still lack a significant way to contribute in this area.

This limitation really sticks out on Mythic Guardian of the First Ones where you're trying to soak a large number of Purging Protocol s to extend the length of the encounter. Unless there are any major last minute or post-launch changes, expect Patch 9. Brewmaster Monk. Guardian Druid. Protection Paladin. Vengeance Demon Hunter.

Protection Warrior. Shadow Priest. Demonology Warlock. Outlaw Rogue. Subtlety Rogue. Destruction Warlock. Feral Druid. Assassination Rogue. Affliction Warlock. Windwalker Monk. Havoc Demon Hunter. Weak Healing — Weak These classes have the ability to heal but are not viable for this Role.

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