Who is aranea skyrim

Active 4 years, 7 months ago. Viewed 63k times. As a shot in the dark, is it possible to get both Aranea and the Black Star? Improve this question. I don't see any follower being better than the black star.

The blackstar is an item like any other, so if you have access to the console, it's a simple matter to add one to your inventory at any time you could even add more than one if you were so inclined. The black star is the only possible reusable black soul gem. I think this choice is a moral issue and role-play, and not about benefits.

Show 1 more comment. Active Oldest Votes. My rationale: Soul gems are definitely essential to playing effectively at higher levels. Improve this answer. As of patch 1. With that in mind, she has a maximum level of 30, while Ilia has a maximum level of 40 and J'zargo has no maximum level set to 30 with the Unofficial Patch , so some may consider her a subpar mage compared to them.

Add a comment. Coomie Coomie Conclusion: Forego the Black star and get Aranea. Nick Nick 31 1 1 bronze badge. Giants are actually greater souls. Theo Theo 11 1 1 bronze badge. Ron Ron 11 1 1 bronze badge. I'm pretty sure the Black Star can't capture white souls, both because Nelacar says so specifically, and because I've had lots of white souls go uncaptured despite an empty Star.

It can definitely hold white souls. For those using the unofficial patch, some version of it may have changed the Black Star to only accept white souls.

I have patch 1. Reinhold Reinhold 11 1 1 bronze badge. She managed to put her armor on? What a trooper! Spellcasters don't always equip armour, had already tried her on other gear which she wouldn't or couldn't wear There, dilemma solved.

Clauricaune Clauricaune Jtenorj3 Jtenorj3 2 2 silver badges 7 7 bronze badges. Screenshot of the Week. Submit your photo Hall of fame. Featured on Meta.

Now live: A fully responsive profile. Screenshot of Week 51 [Submissions Closed]. Related 4. Hot Network Questions. I aso like being able to get human souls and making powerful enchantments or recharging more energy for weps.

Rp-wise, it's a lot of trust to put in a shady mage whose first conversation you overhear is about a "miscalculation. So, yeah Gameplay wise, the Black Star is more useful. And Nelacar is cute, so I sometimes go with him anyway. I don't like the idea of helping a man sympathetic to a wizard who would use his own students' lives to try and achieve immortality.

In terms of powergaming it'd be take the Black Star every time. Aranea is not the only decent mage follower available but the Black Star is 1 of a kind and makes gathering Grand souls much easier.

Still not every character wants to defy a Daedric Prince or break Arkay's Blessing. From an RP perspective you have to ask yourself if you really want to screw over Azura one of the very few Good Deadra out there, or to side with the shady mage exiled from the college who let a colleague of his kill multiple students in his desire for immortality. The game has loads of soul gems, no problems recharging anything ever.

While this allows the Switch the play N64 games such as Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Winback and more the common consensus is that this is not a great port as it emulates the classic Nintendo 64 console in a poor way. While this does include North American and European versions of the game, reports say that fog, frame-rates, and input timing are affected all of which is covered in this Performance Review.

Is this the Link to the Past we all hoped? Watch and find out. Lol, yes it is the same person, I felt sorry for her because Azura ditched her so i dragged her along.

Funny x 1. Like x 1. Dagmar Defender of the Bunnies of Skyrim. Start Dale I got 99 problems but a Deadra ain't one. Aranea Ienith; i know someone who is about to get some major destruction enchanted glass armour. Anthony Smash : 1 Point super informative, not a jerk about it either! Sep 20, Emzilla2 New Member.


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