What is wvw

While Stone Mist Castle can be easier to defend it is not so one-sided. Desert Borderland is much larger, complex, and the objectives are spread out further. There is a lot of verticality and terrain as well as many biomes.

Because this map came out with the Heart of Thorns expansion, it increased the difficulty of the lords and added new mechanics to the objectives. In ideal circumstances this is the most engaging map. It is recommended that new players look for a commander tag on any of these maps and follow it until they get used to the objectives and knowing where is safe and where they are needed.

If you are playing to win, that would depend on where the enemy is going, where your commanders are; and what objectives need defending, and which objectives are open to being taken. If you enjoy defending and your build is specialized for that, go somewhere your team already owns objectives like your home borderland, and if your build specializes in mobility and securing kills then go somewhere your enemies have more presence like the enemy borderland so you can go behind enemy lines.

Alpine Borderlands will have less fights because it is so one-sided but if the map has a few groups on it then it should be fine.

Desert Borderland is generally the worst for finding fights but at least the scenery changes frequently with the many biomes. The main WvW maps, have a capacity limit, equally balanced between all three servers, and once this limit is reached the map will gain a queue.

While you are in queue, you can swap maps without losing your place, but swapping characters will drop you from the queue. Edge of the Mists is different because it works with the Overflow and Mega Server technology. Capacity limits are based on the server resources being used. Edge of the Mists is an alternative map for World vs World which is not very popular. It was a test map for the Megaserver System and to allow people to play there while they wait for other maps queues, but due to not having the same rewards as a normal WvW map and a 2 hour reset timer rather than the weekly reset of normal WvW maps, it feels inconsequential to play there.

These are Obsidian Sanctum, which features a big jumping puzzle, and Armistice Bastion. Armistice Bastion is mechanically a WvW map.

If you are a WvW player, this VIP area is the best location that you can buy, because, besides all the services that it offers, it has a unique feature which is the ability to practice with proper WvW balance, since the Guild Hall arena uses PvE balance.

There are golems to hit if you want to theorycraft a build. You can fight other players in Armistice Bastion by leaving the courtyard and going to the Gladiator Pits. There are three flags here and grabbing one will essentially put you on a team as does WvW with the three different colors. This allows you to set up duels, 3v3s, or even have 5v5v5s like in actual WvW.

Using the special action key or dying will allow you to repick a flag. Now that we have the more essential, but intangible subjects out of the way, we can introduce the classes. Because it is recommended to be max level before entering WvW, the first thing you should do is decide which character and class you will play. It is important to pick a class that you will like because that is going to affect everything you do in game, so I will try to give a general idea of each class and the roles they can play.

You may have noticed how I described each class that some are better in smaller fights and others are better in larger fights. This is not only something to take into account when creating a team composition, but also a playstyle choice.

The main two playstyles that players adopt have been called roaming and zerging. Roaming usually involves parties of with each member playing a similar role of having a decent amount of self-sustain and mobility to be able to handle disengaging lost or unfavorable fights. There can be roles within a roaming group like supports and DPS but generally it is more effective to play builds that are role-independent when in smaller fights.

Roamers will usually look to capture and defend smaller objectives or look for kills on other roamers or isolated players to split the enemy zerg. Here you can see all the roaming builds I recommend as well as gameplay and playstyle that roamers want to employ:. Zerging usually involves parties of 20 or more with each member playing a specific role within the group. By themselves, zerging builds have many weaknesses, but when grouped up with other zerg builds that fill in those gaps by giving you mobility, giving you boons, healing you, or demolishing the enemy they become deadly efficient.

Zergs will often go for the largest objectives on the map and attempt to siege and wipe out the enemy frontline forces. Usually you will be following a Commander Tag and joining their squad you can participate more actively on the group.

While it is most likely that a Necromancer and a Guardian will be more useful zerging and a Thief and a Ranger will be more useful roaming, these are not hard defined roles.

Elementalists , for example, can build very high damage modifiers with a staff to specialize in dealing ranged damage which will require support from others and large scale fights to land its attacks, or they can build for healing within the zerg. They can also change their weapons, traits, and stats to be more self sufficient for roaming scenarios.

There are definitely more specific playstyles than these, such as scouting or gathering intelligence by yourself to alert the larger groups on your server. But this could also be categorized similarly to roaming or done by a roamer.

Their main purpose is to fight or take chunks out of other zergs so they can also be categorized similarly to zergs. Because each map in WvW has a player limit, utilizing the resource of your troops may mean splitting up. If you just stack into one zerg the other servers can stall and defend while smaller groups capture other objectives.

This leads to what the objective of the game mode is and how or why you should play for it. At the end of the day, diversity will provide your team benefits and every player has different tastes so play what you wish. WvW is a game mode where teamwork is essential whether it is calling out approaching enemies to prepare everyone for an attack, solidifying a composition, or to recruit for guilds.

To accomplish several things you need to know how to communicate with your team. Team chat is useful for calling for reinforcements from other maps, since the specifics of combat wont be too important to players not even in your map. You can do this in team chat as well, but you should specify which map that information is relevant on then, since it could be any of them.

A squad is generally larger than a party, and multiple parties can exist within a squad. Players cannot see any of the chat channels from enemy servers except for whispers or if you add them to your party or squad. Players will see the rank and server instead of the characters name, and custom emotes will only come up as an indistinct gesture. You can go even further than in-game forms of communication. Guilds and several server communities have their own Voice chats on third-party software like Discord , or Teamspeak.

You can ask in your server team chat for links to their server groups to join if you want to participate. Another important thing to know is how to communicate effectively to achieve what you want. Using abbreviations and concise communications that others are familiar with will reduce the time it takes for a response.

Scouts will let their team know about which objective is under attack or someone might want to coordinate with another group which objective to focus. Identifying the location using objective cardinal directions NESW and accurate estimations of numbers and times will provide much better results for you and your team.

In WvW there are four major types of objectives that contribute to the points per tick. Depending on the type of objective and how upgraded it is, there are a number of defenses that must be overcome before it can be captured:. There is one more important mechanic to know about objectives, and it is the Righteous Indignation.

This makes the Lord NPC invulnerable and gives it a significant damage boost, which lasts for 5 minutes. This means that the tower cannot be captured until 5 minutes after it has been flipped.

The various maps can hold a limited number of players. If this cap is reached, the map will gain a queue. Players can swap maps while in a queue without losing their place, but swapping characters will drop them from the queue. Edge of the Mists technically has no queue, as a new map will open as required. Player limits are based on the server resources being used. The limit number is split equally among all three worlds. World versus World has a reward system that outputs rewards both passively over time, and through active gameplay.

The passive reward system utilizes a similar structure to the system in Verdant Brink , with some alterations. For active rewards, defeating enemy players and NPCs drops gear and loot bags,. Maintaining Participation allows the player to gain progress towards their chosen WvW Reward Track and to gain Pips towards their Skirmish reward track. These two tracks are the primary reward sources in WvW. Players may gain the following as rewards primarily through active gameplay, but also through reward tracks, though to a lesser extent:.

There is no reward for capturing Alpine Borderland's Ruins except for Dailies. The image to the right illustrates the score interface used in Borderlands and Eternal Battlegrounds , located at the top of your screen when inside those locations.

Edge of the Mists uses a different interface. Opening your World vs World window default B will reveal 4 tabs:. Many servers and guilds utilize community Voice chats in addition to in-game text-chats. Locating a voice server address is generally as easy as asking Map or Team chat once within a Borderland. WvW is first and foremost, a Player vs. Player game-mode.

You are rewarded with loot and World Experience for killing enemy players. Killing an enemy player in WvW will result in gaining world experience and loot. Loot often includes Badges of Honor , but is otherwise randomly generated. The defeated player does not actually lose anything through being defeated, and they may take armor durability damage. The only areas safe from combat are Spawn Points. The names of players from other worlds are not shown.

Guild tags are still shown, appended to their name. Enemy players cannot see your name or anything you type in any chat, with the exception of whisper or guild chat.

Emotes still log a description in emote chat, though the description will read as "Silver Invader laughs with Bronze Soldier", eliminating any names. Spawn points are waypoints that exist in each battleground. There are two types of spawn points: those which are permanently open and those that must be activated or built towards.

Each World versus World map includes three permanent waypoints, one for each team, to allow basic access to the map regardless of which team is dominating. These waypoints cannot be used by enemy teams and are protected by Legendary Defenders. Each spawn point includes a set of NPCs where players may repair their armor, sell loot, or buy blueprints. There are several paths out of each spawn location. It is difficult for an enemy team to camp a spawn directly, as players and most NPCs in the spawn area are invulnerable and the multiple exits are usually impossible to block.

Waypointing to a permanent waypoint will automatically repair your armor. Other waypoints can be added to some objectives through objective upgrades and the Emergency Waypoint Tactic. These waypoints provide quicker access across the map.

A waypoint cannot be used if the objective it is housed in is under attack, with the exception of Emergency Waypoints. Emergency Waypoints are visible even if you are on a different WvW map. An example of this is the ability to participate immediately after finishing the tutorial with bolstering to level Additionally, the mass PvP scale of the game mode will take "pressure" off individual player performance while it's still important , and put more emphasis on the "Team" or "Server.

WvW matches take place across four enormous maps containing four different types of objectives. Every 5 minutes, the objectives controlled by each server are totaled and added to that server's cumulative war score. These waypoints cannot be used by other worlds and are housed in objectives protected by Legendary Defenders. Each spawn point includes a set of NPCs where players may repair their armor, sell loot, or buy blueprints.

There are several paths out of each spawn location. It is difficult to camp a spawn directly, as players and most NPCs in the spawn area are invulnerable. Other waypoints can be added to some objectives through objective upgrades.

These waypoints provide fast travel, allowing quicker access across the map. A waypoint cannot be used if the objective it is housed in is under attack, with the exception of Emergency Waypoints. When a player is defeated in WvW, a 5 minute timer starts. The player can choose to revive at an uncontested waypoint immediately or to wait. After 5 minutes, the player is automatically revived at their spawn point for that map. Unlike in PvE, if you are in combat mode you can't revive a player that is fully dead.

You can only interact with downed players of the same team. The same mechanism is valid for any NPCs. Additionally, unlike in PvE, only one player may rally off a single kill. Rallying prioritizes the nearest downed player, and players cannot rally by killing basic creatures.

Matches are 1 week long, split into 2-hour time slices called Skirmishes. During a skirmish, worlds will earn War Score based on how many objectives are held, with War Score being used to determine the winner of each skirmish. When each 2-hour skirmish ends, the War Score is reset, but the actual state of the map and objectives will remain unchanged. All objectives controlled by each world provide an amount of points, based on the tier of each objective see table below.

Additionally, capping an enemies' objective will also add points to the War Score, based on the tier of the objective see table below. Stomping an enemy with the Borderlands Bloodlust effect will add 1 point extra. Killing a hostile dolyak is worth 1 point, while escorting a friendly delivering dolyak provides 1 point at each destination. Helping out the mercenaries by completing a dynamic event to earn their loyalty will result in them joining your world's side.

They then begin attacking, capturing, and reinforcing nearby supply camps. Monuments are present in each Borderlands, nine shrines in each Desert Borderlands map, and five ruins in the center of both Desert and Alpine Borderlands. Shrines grant stacking bonuses to nearby keeps and provide a Blessing of Elements to players who capture or interact with the shrine.

Capturing and holding three ruins grants the effect Borderlands Bloodlust. Unlike other objectives, ownership of ruins is not permanent.

Without a player present, capture progress slowly fades until the ruin is once again unclaimed. This prevents one player from single-handedly completing the event. Worlds in WvW are matched up based on their ranking using a modified Glicko rating, so that high-ranked worlds will battle other high-ranked worlds, and low-ranked worlds will battle other low-ranked worlds.

This attempts to ensure that every world has a fair chance of winning matches despite differing levels of player participation or skill. At reset players will see a dialog that shows the end score and it states at which position your server is. After a short while they will receive a warning in yellow text that states reset is in motion and they will be sent to Lion's Arch.

Approximately minutes later, players will be able to enter WvW again. Periodically, tournaments previously known as a season will be held for World versus World. Worlds fight other worlds over the course of multiple weeks to earn points; 1st place gives 5 points, 2nd place gives 3 points, and 3rd place gives 1 point. At the end of the tournament, players in each world receive rewards for their world's ranking based on points earned.

Throughout the tournament, players can earn individual rewards through limited time achievements and achievement rewards. These rewards include Hero's weapons, Mistforged Hero's weapons, Mini Dolyak, ascended accessories, and more. Mistwrought Vault is a jumping puzzle in the north-west of every Alpine Borderlands map.

This puzzle can be completed once per day on each of the maps. Completing one does not deny rewards for the other. There is no jumping puzzle in the Desert Borderlands. Obsidian Sanctum is a jumping puzzle which can be accessed via the WvW menu, or through a door in any of the keeps in Eternal Battlegrounds. It is a separate instance from any of the other WvW maps, though players will continue to receive rewards each tick if they had sufficient participation before entering.

At the end of each of the puzzles is a chest that rewards some equipment, siege blueprints and badges of honour, as well as the associated achievement from completing it. They are also notably difficult to complete because they are shared across the competing worlds, and players might encounter hostile players while trying to navigate the puzzle.

In most WvW, there is some form of zerg where large numbers of players congregate to capture objectives. Zergs are usually led by 1 or more commanders. This allows friendly players who are not part of the zerg to know the current position of the zerg. The role of an individual player in a zerg is not clearly defined; however, they tend to follow standard RPG archetypes:.


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