Which jar contains classpathxmlapplicationcontext

Spring assumes you are using a build tool like maven and so you cannot download them from the website. You can download the JAR from the maven repository. Actually is it mandatory that dependent libs should be in. Even if those are in. But why shouldn't the spring distribution comes with. Bill Gorder wrote: I have been using Maven so truthfully had not downloaded it from their website.

I did so now and peeked in it. In the dist folder you have all the compiled jars. Use the jars in the dist folder. Forum: Spring. Spring classes not resolved even with libs added.

Harshana Dias. Optional 'thank-you' note:. I was try to set up the basic spring environment. I have download spring distribution 3. Bill Gorder. I like Use a build tool like maven or gradle. Bill Gorder wrote: Use a build tool like maven or gradle. There are many jars you will need to add, not just spring-context. You will spend a great deal of time downloading all of these and getting it to work. I placed them like that since you mentioned one jar.

Basically this is what you need:. It's a terrible idea to try to implement your own ApplicationContext. That's too much work and too much room for errors. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Spring context from within a jar file Ask Question. Asked 10 years, 8 months ago.

Active 4 years ago. Viewed 77k times. I did some research and a little coding: import java. InputStream; import org. XmlBeanDefinitionReader; import org. AbstractXmlApplicationContext; import org. InputStreamResource; import org. Could someone help me? Improve this question. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Try with an ClassPathXmlApplicationContext It is a standalone XML application context, taking the context definition files from the class path, interpreting plain paths as class path resource names that include the package path e.

Here is how you might do it: Create yourself a Test class with the following content in it: package com. Add classpath references to your spring jars or pack them together into your own single jar file wich should look like this: test. MF -- org springframework In your manifest file you will have this use with a trailing blank line : Main-Class: com.

Test And that is it. Here is what I get from executing it notice the I was talking about above - on the last row : Feb 23, PM org. ClassPathXmlApplicationContext ca2dce: display name [org. ClassPathXmlApplicationContext ca2dce]: org. Basically this is what you need: test. Improve this answer. That's why I'm thinking about coding my own ApplicationContext You don't need to write your own ApplicationContext class.

What if they are at the top level of a jar on the classpath?


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