They form close bonds with their people , showing their affection openly. Remember, Amazon parrots can be very noisy. Adding one to the family is akin to adding an extremely loud alarm clock that will go off every morning and evening for the next years! She has a strong love for all animals of all shapes and sizes and particularly loves a good interspecies friendship and wants to share her animal knowledge and other experts' knowledge with pet lovers across the globe.
Skip to content. Oct 04 View this post on Instagram. Nicole Cosgrove. Contents 1. Yellow-Crowned Amazon Parrot 2. Yellow-Naped Amazon Parrot 3. Yellow-Billed Amazon Parrot 4. Double Yellow-Headed Amazon Parrot 5. Orange-Winged Amazon Parrot 6. Panama Amazon Parrot 7.
Red-Lored Amazon Parrot 8. Spectacled Amazon Parrot 9. Green-Cheeked Amazon Parrot Mealy Amazon Parrot Lilac-Crowned Amazon Parrot Blue-Fronted Amazon Parrot Lilacine Amazon Parrot Related Posts. This incredible spcies have developed a vocabulary of words. Not all birds of this species have got such great potential. But some species can learn words and sentences. Budgerigars have a tendency to imitate the words repeatedly used by their owner.
At the same time, when two or more Budgerigars are together, they would never listen to their owner. Because, in such situations, they give more preference in spending time with other budgerigars. Both male and female budgerigars have skill to imitate human speech. But male birds seem to be better at talking more words in the right tone than females. The African grey parrot is considered as the most intelligent smartest talking parrot in the world.
They are endemic to the rain forests of West and Central Africa. African grey parrots are known for their better understanding and imitation of human speech.
Like other talking birds African grey parrots also have a tendency to get attached to only one person. The relationship with the owner is the most important factor that shape the talking ability of African grey parrot. Treating African grey parrots while teaching will help to improve their talking ability much faster.
They also learn different kinds of voices from their surrounding. African grey parrots are intelligent enough to mimic different sounds to fool the predators. Skip to content. Nature Travel Lifestyle Universe. Share on Facebook Share Tweet on Twitter.
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Physical Characteristics: Mostly gray plumage with pale edging; black beak and bright red tail Congo African grey ; tan upper beak and maroon tail Timneh African grey. Not to be outdone by the bigger birds, the budgie or parakeet is an excellent talking bird. In fact, budgies have broken world records for the largest bird vocabulary. While their voices tend to be a bit gravelly, budgies are capable of learning many words and phrases.
And because they are quite social birds, many enjoy practicing speech with their caretakers. Physical Characteristics: Green abdomen; black and yellow back; yellow head; dark blue tail; mutations include blue, yellow, white, and gray.
Many Amazon parrots can learn to speak with exceptional clarity, and they generally have very sweet voices. Their innate need to socialize is possibly what draws them to mimic humans. They're intelligent, spirited birds that love being the center of attention.
They bond closely with their caretakers, requiring lots of social interaction and ample space to play. Physical Characteristics: Green body; yellow head; red at the wing bend; tan beak; white rings around the eyes double yellow-headed Amazon.
Indian ringneck parakeets seem to have a gift for learning longer phrases, along with short words. They also tend to speak with clarity. Centuries ago in India, religious leaders who said daily prayers in their gardens began to notice local ringnecks repeating the prayers.
This led to the birds being regarded as sacred and ultimately caused people to keep them as pets. Physical Characteristics: Green plumage; blue tail; yellow underwings; males have black and rose rings around their necks.
Quaker parrots, also known as monk parakeets, are illegal in some parts of the United States because feral flocks have become invasive, so check local laws if you want to adopt one.
Tips With all bird species, the quality and quantity of their speaking abilities will vary between individual birds; some birds even choose not to talk at all. Species Overview Length: 32 inches; half the total body length is in the tail feathers Weight: 35 ounces Physical Characteristics: Feathers of scarlet, light blue, yellow; flight feathers of dark blue, dark red, gold, sometimes green; white skin around the eyes.
Species Overview Length: 18 inches Weight: 14 to 28 ounces Physical Characteristics: Mostly white body; some yellow feathers underneath the wings; reddish eyes in females, brown to black eyes in males. African Grey Parrot. Species Overview Length: 13 inches Weight: 14 to 18 ounces Physical Characteristics: Varying shades of gray on the body; red tail feathers.
Amazon Parrots. Species Overview Length: 13 to 15 inches Weight: 7 to 25 ounces Physical Characteristics: Green body feathers; over 15 subspecies of Amazon Parrot with different head colorings. Continue to 5 of 8 below. Yellow-Naped Amazon Parrot. Species Overview Length: 12 to 15 inches Weight: 21 ounces Physical Characteristics: Bright green color with a blaze of yellow along the back of the neck.
Eclectus Parrot. Species Overview Length: 14 inches Weight: 12 to 19 ounces Physical Characteristics: Green male body with blue and red, yellow on the head; red female body with purple, blue and some yellow. Rose Ringed Indian Ringneck Parakeet. Species Overview Length: 16 inches Weight: 4 to 6 ounces Physical Characteristics: Bright green body; red and black neck ring on male, no ring or a pale shadow on female. Monk Parakeet Quaker Parakeet.
Species Overview Length: 11 inches Weight: 3 to 4 ounces Physical Characteristics: Breeding for pale green, white, or blue, and yellow; orange beaks. Featured Video. Birds to Avoid If you're looking for a chatty bird, avoid species such as cockatiels and doves , which are known to be on the quiet side. Related Topics.