Waste chemicals and chemical containers used within the printing process are disposed of by Business Textiles Services Ltd, Gloucester, in accordance with all current environmental legislation. All printed stationery that is over-made or rejected during quality checks is shredded and then fed into the recycling chain. Smythson advocates environmentally responsible behaviour and ethical conduct from all our suppliers. A significant proportion of our supply chain is vertically integrated, allowing us to closely monitor and have greater control over all our operations.
We demand compliance at a minimum with all local legislation, regulation and labour laws and require a commitment to constant improvement regarding sustainability and environmental awareness.
All Smythson leather products are manufactured in Europe in our own factories or through designated third-party suppliers. Our stationery, books and diaries are all manufactured in the United Kingdom. Smythson is an equal opportunity employer and ensures that all employees within the Company have fair opportunity for advancement based on their ability, qualifications and suitability for the work, without discrimination.
All Smythson employees are employed under ILO Labour Standards and copies of company policies are readily available to employees at all times. We are committed to developing and nurturing a positive brand culture that resonates throughout our global team of stores, head offices and manufacturing partners.
We are committed to the continued monitoring of our supply chain to ensure that the raw materials we source and our finished products are produced in a sustainable and ethical way. We pledge to track our carbon footprint going forward and work towards reducing our imprint on the environment.
Smythson regularly supports a variety of charitable causes and this is something that we fully intend to continue. Our internal teams are working on exciting ways in which we can give back to our community, and we look forward to sharing more details on this with you in the near future. This statement sets out the steps we have taken at Smythson to ensure no form of slavery or human trafficking is taking place within our supply chain any other part of our business.
All Smythson factories comply with the Ethical Trading Initiative base code, meaning the supply chain is continuously monitored to ensure compliance with ethical working practices. Smythson believes in equal opportunities and values the importance of a diverse and fair workplace with fair pay for all.
Whether you are a brand, supplier or retailer, you are just one step away from beginning your journey to earn the Butterfly Mark. Start the process today or contact us for a preliminary chat. We would love to hear from you. Join our exclusive email newsletter for news on sustainability, industry trends and upcoming events.
United Kingdom France. UK FR. About Impact and Commitment Featured Products. Featured Products. This situation has reaffirmed my belief that communication within a company, as well as the communication we share with our customers is key, and I ensure that my leadership style reflects that notion.
I am in frequent contact with my executive team, exchanging daily information via video conference and making decisions collaboratively, which in turn allows them to feel empowered and extend this information efficiently to their respective teams. Smythson is set apart by a very British sense of tension that defines our aesthetic: refinement and quirk; tradition and irreverence; not to mention a true sense of functionality that sits at the core of each product.
It is this inherent innovation that gives us the opportunity to challenge the status quo and reinvent ourselves, and I intend to enable my team to do exactly that. It has shown me how crucial it is for the business to be agile; to be able to pivot plans and adapt to changing demands and to be able to work with high levels of ambiguity. In grappling with this state of flux, I have drawn confidence from the authenticity of our brand proposition, the genuinely well-crafted pieces we create and the permanence of this amidst so much change.
But the greatest inspiration has come through the response of the Smythson family; whether working or furloughed, the effort to ensure the long-term future of the brand is remarkable and spear-headed by the support and guidance of the owner and Chairman, Jacques Bahbout. A simple thank-you card expressing our gratitude for all that they are doing.
This time has acted as a reminder for me to take a moment and respect the world around me, as well as time to recharge my energy, reevaluate ideas and an opportunity to reinvent and be more creative.