Trisomy 21 Causes Down Syndrome. Genetic Origins of Microbial Virulence. Genetics of the Influenza Virus. Pathogenicity: Microbial Virulence. Complex Diseases: Research and Applications. Gene Interaction and Disease. Gene Mapping and Disease. Multifactorial Inheritance and Genetic Disease. Polygenic Inheritance and Gene Mapping. Genomic Imprinting and Patterns of Disease Inheritance. Chromosome Abnormalities and Cancer Cytogenetics.
Genes, Smoking, and Lung Cancer. Genetic Regulation of Cancer. Gleevec: the Breakthrough in Cancer Treatment. Human Chromosome Translocations and Cancer. Proto-oncogenes to Oncogenes to Cancer. Cytogenetic Methods in Diagnosing Genetic Disorders. Gene-Based Therapeutic Approaches. Personalized Medicine: Hope or Hype? Citation: Chial, H. Nature Education 1 1 Did you know that you have a second genome? Small cellular organelles called mitochondria contain their own circular DNA.
What happens to your cells when this DNA mutates? Aa Aa Aa. Mitochondrial Anatomy and Physiology. Mitochondrial vs.
Nuclear DNA. Figure 2. Mitochondrial DNA Mutations. Table 1: Estimated mitochondrial dNTP concentrations in rat tissues. Figure Detail. Clinical Manifestations of Mitochondrial Mutations. Classic Mitochondrial Syndromes. Table 3. Mitochondrial mutations are also likely to contribute to a number of common clinical diseases. One example is diabetes, which is the most prevalent metabolic disease affecting humans.
It is also likely that mitochondrial mutations may predispose individuals to Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Mitochondrial Inheritance. Figure 4: Inheritance of the maternal mitochondrial genome. The mitochondrial genome is inherited from the mother in each generation. Mitochondria in Aging and Cancer.
Advances and Prospects in Mitochondrial Genetics. References and Recommended Reading Ingman, M. International Journal of Epidemiology 31, Polyak, K. Article History Close. Share Cancel. Revoke Cancel. Keywords Keywords for this Article. Save Cancel. Flag Inappropriate The Content is: Objectionable. Flag Content Cancel. Email your Friend. Submit Cancel. This content is currently under construction. Explore This Subject. Epigenetics and Disease.
Identifiable Genetic Disease. The Genetics of Microbes. Tracking Disease Inheritance. Genetic Origin of Disease. The Genetic Basis of Cancer. The Study of Genetics and Disease. Topic rooms within Genes and Disease Close. No topic rooms are there. Or Browse Visually. Other Topic Rooms Genetics. Student Voices.
Creature Cast. Simply Science. Green Screen. Coulson, Jacques Drouin, Ian C. Eperon, Donald P. Nierlich, Bruce A. Roe, Fredrick Sanger, Peter H. Schreier, Andrew J. Smith, Rodger Staden and Ian G. Andersson, Siv G. Archibald, John M. Benda, Carl. Cummins, James M. Cyranoski, David. DiMauro, Salvatore. Ernster, Lars, and Gottfried Schatz. Gray, Michael W. Holt, Ian J. Harding, and John A. Jansen, Robert P.
Katsnelson, Alla. Lane, Nick. Molloy, P. Linnane, and H. Nass, Margit M. Fixation and Electron Staining Reactions. Sagan, Lynn. Sanger, Frederick. Sharpley, Mark S. John, Justin C. Tuppen, Helen A. Blakely, Douglass M. Turnbull, and Robert W. Van Blerkom, Jonathan. Wallace, Douglas C. Lott, Judy A. Hodge, Theodore G. Schurr, Angela M. Lezza, Louis J. Elsas II, and Eeva K. Zick, Michael, and Andreas S. Ivan R. Printer-friendly version PDF version. So this is very helpful sometimes in determining how a person has a certain disorder in the family.
Sometimes a disease will be inherited through the mother's line, as opposed to both parents. You can tell from a pedigree or a group of family history whether or not this is a mitochondrial disease because of that. William Gahl, M.
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