When do i use a colin

To join sentences. You can use a colon to connect two sentences when the second sentence summarizes, sharpens, or explains the first. Both sentences should be complete, and their content should be very closely related.

Note that if you use colons this way too often, it can break up the flow of your writing. To express time, in titles, and as part of other writing conventions. Colons appear in several standard or conventional places in writing. Here are a few examples:. Example: Kurlansky, M. Salt: A world history. Example incorrect :The very best peaches are: those that are grown in the great state of Georgia. Example incorrect : My favorite cake is made of: carrots, flour, butter, eggs, and cream cheese icing.

This violates the rule that the material preceding the colon must be a complete thought. Look, for example, at the following sentence:. Example incorrect : There are many different types of paper, including: college ruled, wide ruled, and plain copy paper. The colon should simply be removed. Ask yourself a question: does the material preceding the colon stand on its own? One way to tell if the colon has been properly used is to look only at the words that come in front of the colon.

Do they make a complete thought? If not, you may be using the colon improperly. Check above to see if you have made one of the most common mistakes. If it is important that you follow one of these styles precisely, be sure to use the appropriate manual to look up the rule.

If the following phrase is a complete independent clause, you may choose to capitalize it or not. Whichever approach you choose, be sure to be consistent throughout your paper. Example with an independent clause, showing two different approaches to capitalization: The commercials had one message: The geeks shall inherit the earth.

The first thing to know when talking about dashes is that they are almost never required by the laws of grammar and punctuation. To set off material for emphasis. Emphasis —Capitalize the first word after the colon only if it is a proper noun or the start of a complete sentence. She had one love: Western Michigan University.

Dialogue —Write the speaker's name, followed by a colon and his or her statement. Reporter: What is the Western Edge? Dunn: It is a strategic plan for promoting student success. Introduce lists, text or tabular material —Capitalize the first word after the colon only if it is a proper noun or the start of a complete sentence.

As with the semicolon, do not capitalize the first word after the colon unless the word is ordinarily capitalized. All three of their children are involved in the arts: Richard is a sculptor, Diane is a pianist, and Julie is a theater director.

He made three points: First, the company was losing over a million dollars each month. Second, the stock price was lower than it had ever been. Third, no banks were willing to loan the company any more money.

The colon can be used to emphasize a phrase or single word at the end of a sentence. An em dash can be used for the same purpose.


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