Their black and purple scales along with the prominently curved horns on their hide make them easy to spot. They are also the hardest randomly-encountered dragons to deal with, as they not only come in frost and fire variants but can also unleash a Drain Vitality shout that hits harder than their revered counterparts.
Hit dragons with ranged attacks. Dragons can be very dangerous if you charge them head-on. It is for this reason that it is always handy to pack a bow or prepare some offensive magic to help damage the dragons from afar. It is worth noting that you can poison your arrows to give them a little extra punch for dealing with dragons.
Just make sure you land these poisoned arrows, as the poison effect will disappear after firing them. If you see it breathing fire, slam it with frost spells. If you see it breathing frost, blast it apart with fire spells.
Enchanted bows with opposite elemental damage works to add additional damage. Stagger dragons to disable their breath attack. There will be windows of opportunity where a timely bash, power attack, or Impact-talented dual-cast spells will cause the dragon to recoil and cancel its breath attack.
The most notable is when the dragon is rearing its head to unleash a breath attack. Once it starts this animation, quickly slap the dragon with a staggering blow. If you do enough damage with an Impact-talented dual-cast spell, you can also knock down a hovering dragon and cause it to land for a few seconds.
Build your elemental and magic resistances. The usual health, magicka, and stamina potions will come in very handy when fighting dragons. You will, however, find potions that increase your fire, frost, and magical resistances. These potions significantly reduce the damage of breath attacks, giving you enough survivability to go toe-to-toe with dragons. Using enchanted equipment to protect you against fire, frost, and magic will also stack with these potions.
Get enough resistance, and you could virtually laugh off the elemental shouts that the dragons will toss at you. This will ensure that you will always take damage from spells and dragon breath attacks. If you do manage to get maximum magic and elemental resistance though, you will negate Bring along a follower that cannot be killed essential followers.
Most followers in the world of Skyrim can be killed if they take too much damage—a serious problem when facing dragons that spit a stream of hard-hitting breath attacks. They will simply fall on their knees when their health drops below a certain level, and they will survive subsequent damage that would have normally killed other followers.
Use shouts to give you a tactical edge. Having the ability to Shout is an extremely useful thing when fighting dragons. They can help you kill dragons faster, survive what would have been a fatal ordeal, force dragons to the ground, and even shift the weather to make it easier to track dragons as they soar through the sky. Wait until the dragon hovers in the air or is perched atop a tall structure before unleashing Dragonrend.
This will cause the dragon to land in the nearest available clearing, opening the way for you to chop it up as you please. Marked for Death —A very useful shout for characters that use weapons. Even the first word of the shout will drain a hefty amount of armor per second for 60 seconds, making your physical attacks hit that much harder against the thick hide of dragons.
Become Ethereal —This skill is extremely useful for archers and mages that have a low health pool. Even warriors can find it useful if they have trouble with particularly hard-hitting dragons.
Shouting the first word will cause you to become impervious to damage for 8 seconds with a second cooldown.
This can save you when you are out of cover and a dragon blasts you with a breath attack. The enhanced attack speeds coupled with dual-wield power attacks and lots of stamina potions have the potential to end a dragon in a matter of seconds.
Arqade is a question and answer site for passionate videogamers on all platforms. It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Anyone got any tips on how to beat down a Dragon solo? I tend to whittle it down with bow from cover, then hit it with akimbo Lightning Strike which is awesome btw.
Then poison and some sword. I can't see a way to achieve this without having about points of stamina to run away from it when it does a swooping breath attack which seems to track you no matter what way you go. I would say as Konerak said, get yourself a companion. I got one not that far in the game for free for becoming a thane of something something. And after that me and her killed a lot of dragons together. For some strange reason the dragons always focus more on companions then you.
So mostly I stay next to it or behind it and fire arrows at it, while my companion tanks the damage. Doing some of the dark brotherhood quests you get a spell to summon an old ghostly assassin, that might help aswell. Unrelenting force thu'um, the impact perk destruction or any other way. I find that mana regen and health regen items help, any resistance potions related to the dragons breath, any enchanted armor with that resistance would help as well.
Get a companion that uses ranged attacks there is a mage in riften that costs g, he is pretty good for this. In all, fight smart and dont take any damage that you dont need to. I've gotten pretty good at dragon slaying. I'm a level 28 and I bring em down in only a few minutes with my trusty bow and sword. It ain't hard once you get the hang of it -- Just keep shooting arrows at it, and move around a lot.
Then, if you're feeling brave, run up to it when it stays grounded due to low health and finish him with your favourite melee weapon. What I do with my "wild" dragons killed two so far is to summon a Flame Atronach spelling? When the dragon switches focus to my Atronach I step out from behind my cover and go all out with destruction spells. Then rinse and repeat. If you go out of mana just keep your cover between yourself and the dragon. Magic I'm not so sure.
All I do is stand in one spot, shoot it with arrows repeatedly. Then when it breathes, just use whirlwind sprint to get out of the way, or if you don't have that just run a few steps backwards. Use the basic recovery spell to heal up when the dragon is in the air and hard to hit. No potions, and no skill ups in magicka required. Use magic. You'll have powerful ranged attacks that way.
A problem arises if you play a close range only warrior while ignoring main quest line. Then the dragons are just annoying, as they can't kill you with their breath due to your large health and you can't kill them because they don't come close that often.
This applies to the master difficulty; I hear that the dragon's AI changes somewhat at the lower ones. I found only one solution to this problem - learn some ranged attacks.
Companions are for noobs. It's fun to fight yourself, not watch your immortal companion s get beaten.
If you know dragon rend use that. When dragon rend runs out, just use it again when it tries to fly away. I would also suggest fighting it in third person, not first, only because it means you can see if it tries to hit you and try and stay in the middle of the dragon so it can't bite or slash you with its tail.
Do this with a decent level one handed skill - mine is 57 and I can kill a dragon in about a minute. Magic is the best way to go.
Get destruction dual casting and impact from the destruction perk tree, dual wield lightning bolt and hit the dragon with the spell while it flies or lands somewhere. Stand to the side to avoid its breath when it's near the ground.
With lightning storm, the highest level lightning spell, you can change the beam direction while casting, so it is perfect for killing dragons.
However, if the dragon is present then players will have to kill it before advancing the storyline with Delphine and Esbern.
Fortunately, players who encounter this dragon will also find it attacking a large group of Skyrim 's Forsworn. If the player holds back, then the Forsworn can do a lot of the work in actually slaying the unnamed Karthspire dragon. Getting close may provoke the Forsworn, who will attack regardless as soon as the dragon falls. The fourth and final Dragon that players cannot avoid killing to complete Skyrim 's storyline is Alduin, the main antagonist of the entire game. By the time players are ready to kill Alduin, they'll already have defeated him once before.
Ironically, this second encounter in the Nord afterlife of Sovengarde can actually be a lot easier than the first one. The Dragonrend shout will force Alduin to the ground, where the three heroes and the Dragonborn will be able to surround him.
The heroes are unkillable, so as long as the player is careful, they'll be able to safely slay Alduin and complete Skyrim 's story. The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is available now on all major platforms. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - The Definitive Edition is out now, but it's missing one of the fan favorite features from the original game.