Depending on your necessity, you can discover whether an SAE socket, Metric attachment, or both are needed or not. It is a fastener, and it is wanted by more people in the world. These metric sockets come in different sizes such as a small 8-mm, the medium mm, the large mm, and the ultra-large mm. This diameter is the exact size occupied by the metric fasteners, and for more than 30 plus years these sockets have been utilized in imported other nations.
This socket is sold in the above-mentioned diameter variant and the ultimate socket that can be utilized for repairing your car is a mm socket as it is a good-quality metric socket, which is important for an imported car.
Metric is mostly used in imported cars. SAE sockets have their origin in the imperial system, and it helps the automotive society, and this attachment and this socket are purely established on inches and fractions. If you are a person who works on the cars which are imported or if you plan to work on an imported car like the Honda, Kia Motors, are and Mitsubishi , then SAE is not a suggested companion to you, and I will suggest Metric bolts and sockets if you want to use them.
Any person who works on both the imported version and domestic version of cars is recommended utilizing both the SAE and Metric Bolts and their sockets. There are thread gauges available, either cast in plastic or even printable that can be useful in identifying threads at home. For more information on metric vs. Know How. Blair Lampe is a New York-based professional mechanic, blogger, theater technician, and speechwriter.
Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Skip to content Since the dawn of time, humans have found it vital to their existence to measure things. Pitch Perfect Experienced mechanics who handle both types of fasteners regularly may be able to tell the difference between a metric or SAE bolt by looking at it, but since most threads are very small, the difference is subtle. Photos courtesy of Blair Lampe.
However, you need to be careful, as most times they are not exactly the same, and you can strip a bolt by using an SAE socket on a metric bolt and vice versa. If you found this article helpful, be sure to stick around for more tool tips and tricks. What does SAE measurement stand for? Should I buy metric or SAE wrenches?
Added to cart successfully! Souljer Well-known member. Hi, I've always wondered how necessary it is to have standard sets when metric sets cover the same sizes. Don't they? I mean they can't be off more than a millimeter, right? Are the fractional sizes somehow off just enough to require a full standard set of sockets and wrenches, etc. Maybe a few filling in spaces that are just off too much, but mostly metric.
Was wondering what the pros, pro-am class and DIY-ers think. I'm just a DIY'er and I definitely need both. If you work on a lot of older stuff that's SAE with metric tools, you'll round off a lot of fasteners. That being said, if you only work on newer stuff that has all metric fasteners, you'll get by just fine with metric only.
Kurn Well-known member. Unless you have a low budget,having both means more tools! Nick6 Member. Joined Apr 25, Messages A roll-a-way for each. But on cars more and more are metric. But that. If you live in the US, you will need both if you work around your house. RECox Well-known member. Uncle Bob. Kurn said:. Click to expand Joined Dec 19, Messages 5, Location apple valley,ca.
I have both sets and I use both daily, but the metrics more. A mm tool that is off by anything over 0. Joined Mar 28, Messages DIYer and I've never thought of only going with just one.
I'm already an expert at rounding bolt heads, I don't need any added help. If I were not going to care whether it was metric or standard, and not care about reinstalling the bolt, I might just consider an adjustable wrench, channellocks or vise grips. If you must have only one I might consider those metrinch or spline drive types, but I have no experience with those at all.
When I work on cars, it's mostly metric. When I work on the house, it's usually SAE. Last edited: Jul 3, Humble Mechanic Well-known member. Like others have said, it really depends on what you are doing. Not many standard sized fasteners on the VWs!
I do have some of both at the house.