Before I reflect upon the substance of the fifth commandment, I want to note a directional change in the Ten Every resource on our site was made possible through the financial support of people like you.
A video series on how Christians in different industries view their work. Hosted by Sean McDonough. By Mark D. Published by The High Calling, July 22, Image by Cindee Snider Re. It also helps us to be open to the grace of the Holy Spirit and what God can accomplish in us and through us by that grace.
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Throughout the history of the church, the Ten Commandments had a similar function, serving as a summary of Christian behavior. Catechisms in various denominational traditions have walked through the Ten Commandments, exploring how they do not simply give statements about what not to do but have accompanying positive exhortations that reflect conditions of the heart. To prepare for reflections on each commandment in the coming weeks, I wanted to remind us of why these commandments remain relevant for Christians.
Do the Ten Commandments still matter in the 21st century? Sometimes Christians do not know what to do with the Old Testament in general, and I hope this series begins to answer some of your questions about the Ten Commandments and their place in our lives as followers of Jesus. As I reflected on them, I came up with five truths that point to why they should still matter to us.
This list of five is not an exhaustive list, because books could be written about this topic, but it is meant to give you some core thoughts on the importance of the Ten Commandments and their relevance today.
First, the Ten Commandments reveal the character of the Triune God. All the commandments reflect the character of the Trinity. I think we can best understand this as we look at the life of Jesus, who was fully God and fully man. The ethics of the commandments reflect the character of God. This triune God reveals himself most decisively in His son, Jesus Christ. When you do this, you will also be reminded of how we fall short in obeying these commands and our need for the saving grace of Jesus Christ.