The video will be instantly added to your Watch Later queue. There will be recently saved YouTube videos here. You can select more playlists if you wish. Unlike the web version, the Watch Later feature in the mobile app directly loads the playlist, so videos will play one after the other.
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Best Portable Monitors. Best Gaming Keyboards. At the time, Google confirmed the issue existed and assured to fix the problem. The YouTube team posted on Reddit that they did not remove the button but it was a technical issue instead. The team had another post recommending a workaround for users. They said users could click on the menu icon to the right of the video and add it to Watch Later.
It resulted from the Analytics feature that gives content creators details about the performance, demographic reports, traffic, and more about their channels. By that time, the revenue update had been delayed for 3 days. Later, Google found that a bug caused these problems and had since fixed everything. As of the time this post is written, the Watch Later button works normally and you can use it just like we instructed in the previous section.
Sort by Newest Popular. How To - Oct 27, How To - Sep 06, How To - Sep 01, How To - Aug 27, Upon completing the steps above, any video watched regardless if you finished it gets removed from the folder. Users may notice that there are still some videos remaining. These are the videos that never got viewed. Once you remove the watched videos, you can delete the remaining ones, but you need to remove them one by one. The screenshot is from an iPhone.
Your watch later playlist is by default private. Add videos to Youtube watch later on mobile. Add videos right from Youtube search results. Add videos from a desktop browser. Remove watched videos from your playlist. Follow these steps to remove ALL videos from your playlist to start building it from scratch. I agree to have my personal information transfered to MailChimp more information. Join over 3. We hate spam. Your email address will not be sold or shared with anyone.