How does jvm handle threads

Java applications in production can have hundreds or thousands of threads running in parallel. When an issue is detected — e. And an immediate next question is which code snippet is the thread executing?

While it is important to report this information in real-time, it is also important that these details are made available for historical analysis. For instance, your application could have had a CPU spike at 2 am and become unresponsive, forcing your operations team to restart the server.

While this would have solved the problem temporarily, what was the cause and how do we prevent this issue from re-occurring? Having the details of what threads in the JVM were running at 2 am and which thread was taking up CPU is a key to being able to diagnose the application performance issue.

CFS will optimize the most important scheduling workload to O 1 [ 7 ]. Also, it has a feature that will check for load balancing the work load among the processors and redistributes the work if necessary [ 7 ].

So, this way the reason not to go to N:M model gets even more strengthen as the Linux kernel features promise more while efficient. On the other hand, when a process is created it will hold a number of threads of execution. Each process, and its child threads, will be given a Processor Affinity [ 8 ] that is a simple map to show that how much this process thread is likely to be executed on a specific core among the processors.

This is done to minimize the costs in case some thread is being reactivated in the same core and some of its data is present nearby. To conclude, as the native operating systems on multicore is doing pretty well in terms of abstraction and performance, it is worth to consider such facts when designing and implementing a language that aims the challenges of programming on multicore platforms.

Since the mapping of application threads to kernel threads are handled in a neat way, maybe it would not be wise to meddle with the such problems in the language design.

Accordingly, I also posted two questions [ 9 ] and [ 10 ] on Stackoverflow. View Image. It's possible to prioritize thread execution with the setPriority method, but how it's handled depends on the JVM implementation. The thread priority you set does influence the order of thread invocation, however. The three constants declared in the Thread class are:. Instead, the order of execution will be random. What will be the output of this code? Analyze the code and try to determine the answer for yourself, based on what you've learned.

In the above code, we created three threads. The first thread is Harley Davidson , and we assigned this thread the default priority. Then we started the threads. In order to determine the order the threads will run in, you might first note that the Motorcycle class extends the Thread class, and that we've passed the thread name in the constructor. We've also overridden the run method with a condition: if wolverineAdrenaline is equals to You might also note that in this example we set the Dodge Tomahawk thread as daemon.

Because it's a daemon thread, Dodge Tomahawk may never complete execution. But the other two threads are non-daemon by default, so the Harley Davidson and Yamaha YZF threads will definitely complete their execution. However the JVM has to behave as if the resolution occurred when each reference is first used and throw any resolution errors at this point.

Binding is the process of the field, method or class identified by the symbolic reference being replaced by a direct reference, this only happens once because the symbolic reference is completely replaced.

If the symbolic reference refers to a class that has not yet been resolved then this class will be loaded. Each direct reference is stored as an offset against the storage structure associated with the runtime location of the variable or method. The Heap is used to allocate class instances and arrays at runtime.

Arrays and objects can never be stored on the stack because a frame is not designed to change in size after it has been created. The frame only stores references that point to objects or arrays on the heap. Unlike primitive variables and references in the local variable array in each frame objects are always stored on the heap so they are not removed when a method ends.

Instead objects are only removed by the garbage collector. Objects and Arrays are never explicitly de-allocated instead the garbage collector automatically reclaims them. The native code is then stored in the code cache in non-heap memory.

In this way the Hotspot VM tries to choose the most appropriate way to trade-off the extra time it takes to compile code verses the extra time it take to execute interpreted code. All threads share the same method area, so access to the method area data and the process of dynamic linking must be thread safe. If two threads attempt to access a field or method on a class that has not yet been loaded it must only be loaded once and both threads must not continue execution until it has been loaded.

It is possible to view the byte code in a compiled Java class by using the javap command. This class file shows three main sections the constant pool, the constructor and the sayHello method. As in any typical byte code the majority of the operands interact with the local variables, operand stack and run time constant pool as follows. The constructor has two instructions first this is pushed onto the operand stack, next the constructor for the super class is invoked which consumes the value off this and therefore pops it off the operand stack.

The sayHello method is more complex as it has to resolve symbolic references to actual references using the run time constant pool, as explained in more detail above. The first operand getstatic is used to push a reference to the static field out of the System class on to the operand stack. The next operand ldc pushes the string "Hello" onto the operand stack. The final operand invokevirtual invokes the println method of System.

The JVM starts up by loading an initial class using the bootstrap classloader. The class is then linked and initialized before public static void main String[] is invoked. The execution of this method will in turn drive the loading, linking and initialization of additional classes and interfaces as required.

Loading is the process of finding the class file that represents the class or interface type with a particular name and reading it into a byte array. Next the bytes are parsed to confirm they represent a Class object and have the correct major and minor versions. Any class or interface named as a direct superclass is also loaded.

Once this is completed a class or interface object is created from the binary representation. Linking is the process of taking a class or interface verifying and preparing the type and its direct superclass and superinterfaces. Linking consists of three steps verifying, preparing and optionally resolving. Verifying is the process of confirming the class or interface representation is structurally correct and obeys the semantic requirements of the Java programming language and JVM, for example the following checks are performed:.

Performing these checks during the verifying stages means these checks do not need to be performed at runtime.

Verification during linking slows down class loading however it avoids the need to perform these checks multiple when executing the bytecode.

Preparing involves allocation of memory for static storage and any data structures used by the JVM such as method tables. Static fields are created and initialized to their default values, however, no initializers or code is executed at this stage as that happens as part of initialization.

Resolving is an optional stage which involves checking symbolic references by loading the referenced classes or interfaces and checking the references are correct.

If this does not take place at this point the resolution of symbolic references can be deferred until just prior to their use by a byte code instruction. In the JVM there are multiple classloaders with different roles.

Each classloader delegates to its parent classloader that loaded it except the bootstrap classloader which is the top classloader. Bootstrap Classloader is usually implemented as native code because it is instantiated very early as the JVM is loaded.

The bootstrap classloader is responsible for loading the basic Java APIs, including for example rt. It only loads classes found on the boot classpath which have a higher level of trust; as a result it skips much of the validation that gets done for normal classes.

Extension Classloader loads classes from standard Java extension APIs such as security extension functions. System Classloader is the default application classloader, which loads application classes from the classpath.


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