Primacy means holding first place. How is it shown that St. Peter or his successor has always been the head of the Church? How do we know that the rights and privileges bestowed on St. Peter were given also to his successors -- the Popes? We know that the rights and privileges bestowed on St. Peter were given also to his successors, the Popes, because the promises made to St. Peter by Our Lord were to be fulfilled in the Church till the end of time, and as Peter was not to live till the end of time, they are fulfilled in his successors.
Before he came to Rome, St. Peter established a Church at Antioch and ruled over it for several years. How do we know that the bishops of the Church are the successors of the Apostles? We know that the bishops of the Church are the successors of the Apostles because they continue the work of the Apostles and give proof of the same authority. They have always exercised the rights and powers that belonged to the Apostles in making laws for the Church, in consecrating bishops and ordaining priests.
All are bound to belong to the Church, and he who knows the Church to be the true Church and remains out of it cannot be saved. Is it ever possible for one to be saved who does not know the Catholic Church to be the true Church? It is possible for one to be saved who does not know the Catholic Church to be the true Church, provided that person:.
Why do we say it is only possible for a person to be saved who does not know the CatholicChurch to be the true Church? We say it is only possible for a person to be saved who does not know the Catholic Church to be the true Church, because the necessary conditions are not often found, especially that of dying in a state of grace without making use of the Sacrament of Penance. Entire forum This topic This board.
November 11, , PM. News: To love God is something greater than to know Him. Thomas Aquinas. Mobile Main Menu. We are part of the Church of God, and to be the Church is to be the People of God, in accordance with the great project of love of the Father. Thus, the participation of the Christian in public life is increasingly urgent. That the Church is the Bride of Christ is clear in Eph 5, XNUMX from the mention that Christ is the Head of the Church, as the husband is the head of the wife; It is also deduced from the actions that Christ performs for the Church, expressed in terms proper to the nuptials, and, above all, from the application to Christ and the In almost all cases "the people of God," or simply "the people," refers to the Jewish people.
On October 31, , Martin Luther, a German Augustinian friar, published the ninety-five theses, which, according to tradition, he nailed to the door of the Wittenberg Palace Church, a common practice at the time.
According to Catholic tradition, the first Pope in history was Saint Peter, the most important apostle of Jesus, who was given the responsibility of leading the Church and given the keys to the Kingdom.
He was the first martyr Pope in history. He is one of the patrons of Rome, along with Saint Paul. We see in Acts, chapter 15 how the apostles and the elders came together under the leadership of St. Peter to decide the question of what was required of Gentiles.
We also see how St. Peter was regarded as the head of the Church when St. Paul, "Went up to Jerusalem to confer with Kephas [Peter] and remained with him fifteen days. The Catholic Church is the only church that can claim to have been founded by Christ personally. Every other church traces its lineage back to a mere human person such as Martin Luther or John Wesley. Peter as the first Pope. This line of popes has continued unbroken for almost 2, years. God rules, instructs and sanctifies His people through His Church.