As a department, we encourage our young Historians to think about these questions and discover the past for themselves, and in so doing, form their own opinions whilst developing their own analytical and reasoning skills. In year 7 we explore the wonders of Stonehenge and life in the Neolithic.
We then study the impact of the Norman invasion and ask how far it changed life in Britain. Students finish their Year 7 History studies by looking at the rule of the Tudors before examining the causes and impact of the English Civil War.
The first part of Year 8 centres around the study of Industrial Britain. We ask if Britain should be proud of its empire and examine the reasons for the ending of the Slave trade. Finally, students explore the causes, events and impact of the First World War. In Year 9 students explore a broad and diverse study of Britain and the wider world through source analysis, period studies, historical environment analysis, thematically and in-depth.
Students will be stimulated to engage in historical enquiry and progress as independent learners and as critical reflective thinkers in preparation for Key Stage 4. Our History Department strongly believe in the importance that outside of the classroom learning has on students of all ages.
Development Trust, which awarded the school its prestigious. Harrow Way has around students, and, with all year groups oversubscribed,. Our ever-improving. Harrow Way was the first school in Hampshire to pick. Bullying Intervention Group , for our exemplary work in bullying intervention. Succeeding in attaining this headship in was important to me, as I felt I could.
This was a school that I believed could realistically embark. Highlighting best pr actice. This government is taking a decisive new direction, embracing the opportunities of Brexit and preparing our country to flourish outside the EU.
Attainment has continued to rise and is now in line with national averages. Progress in English and mathematics is good, with all groups making similar progress. Year 7 catch-up and pupil premium students are now doing as well as their peers. Students attending off-site provision make good progress as a result of their highly personalised courses.
Teaching is good and improving, with an increasing proportion of lessons that are outstanding. Relationships are strong, expectations are high, planning is secure and lessons are challenging.
Teachers use their strong subject knowledge to address common misconceptions and errors. Examination requirements are well known and shared with students. Students behave well and their attitudes to learning are positive. They are courteous, polite and respectful to one another. Behaviour and attendance have continued to improve over time. The headteacher has high expectations of the school which are shared with staff, students, governors and parents.