It should have large, deep pockets for cartridges and shooting patches, i. Shooting patches reduce the chance of your shoulder being bruised when resting your gun. On warm, dry days your waistcoat can be your outer layer and you may not need a tweed jacket, but we would always suggest taking a waterproof coat with you as well.
Modern shooting vests are often made from technical fabrics which make them windproof and breathable. This type of shoot vest can be machine washed and dries quickly, ideal if you plan to go shooting regularly. Always choose a vest or waistcoat in muted tones regardless of what the material is made from. Avoid wearing clay ground style skeet vests covered in sponsor logos, as they can look gaudy and do not go well with tweed or moleskin trousers.
Knitwear and layers for extra warmth In cold weather, you may want to wear a thermal base layer underneath your shirt.
Fine merino base layers are sweat wicking and breathable. Layering is essential in winter weather. We suggest wearing a thermal base layer, then your shirt and tie, a waistcoat, a jumper and finally your shooting jacket.
Wearing multiple layers may sound like a lot, but it will stop you freezing when you are shooting outside for hours. When you are choosing knitwear, select a merino wool jumper for warmth. Shooting breeks or trousers Tweed trousers or breeks , otherwise known as breeches, are traditionally worn by men and women to a formal shoot. A matching pair of breeks and a shooting vest will ensure you look smart. Breeks fasten just below the knee and have an adjustable bottom hem, allowing you to create a watertight seal where your shooting socks meet.
They also generally have an extra few inches of material to fold over the knee. Choose a pair of breeks that appear to be slightly too long so you can hitch them up a little, folding the excess material over your boots. Also, you may wish to wear a belt or braces with your breeks or trousers to prevent them slipping down when you move. At a casual shoot, it is acceptable for men and women to wear moleskin or cord trousers in muted dark colours, generally brown or dark green.
Shooting hat and gloves If you are attending a formal shoot, ensure you wear a hat. Men and women should wear a peaked tweed or waxed flat cap in a traditional Garforth shape which shields your eyes from the elements and allows you to take good aim. Choose a flat cap in muted colours, such as dark brown or green, to blend into the landscape.
Waxed flat caps are ideal for rainy days. For a more relaxed shoot, women can wear fedora hats and men, beanies or baseball caps, but always go for muted colours. If you wear a fedora or bushman type hat, check that you are happy with your field of vision for shooting due to the wider brim. Some baseball caps are now water-resistant , however, bear in mind that a baseball cap will not give you the warmth of a tweed or wax hat. Tweed or waxed flat caps are still good options for relaxed shoots as they give effective protection from bad weather.
In cold weather, you may also want to wear gloves. Wear gloves that are non-slip or fingerless and do not hamper you from pulling the trigger on your gun. If you cannot operate your gun safely wearing your gloves, only wear them in between drives. To handle your gun trigger with ease, it is best to buy a pair of speciality shooting gloves that are waterproof and have a non-slip grip. Shooting boots Wearing supportive and sturdy footwear is essential for shooting regardless of the weather.
If you feel good in your feet, it will help you have a steady stance while shooting. You are likely to be stood outside for several hours, so waterproof footwear with a durable sole is vital. We recommend choosing a pair of waterproof field boots with good ankle support to give you comfort on uneven or flat ground. This is the best option if you do not know whether the ground will be flat or not, covering all eventualities. Field boots are ideal for supporting your feet on rough ground, especially over moorland.
Ensure the footwear you buy will give you good grip and support your ankles. We stock a wide range of Meindl boots for men and women at A Hume. Alternatively, for flat ground, quality wellington boots from the Le Chameau range are suitable. These wellington boots feature 3mm neoprene linings, double sole insulation and a deep tread to give you grip underfoot. If you are likely to encounter deep puddles on a shoot, wellington boots offer a greater wading depth than field boots.
Footwear with neoprene or full leather linings are best for effective insulation to keep the cold and damp out. Wool fleece or faux fur lined shooting boots have also become popular, particularly for women. The luxuriously warm linings give great insulation and comfort.
Just bear in mind that after regular long-term wear the fleece linings will naturally flatten and wear down. Boots with fleece linings do not retain their insulating properties as long as neoprene or leather lined boots. Just like shoot clothing, your footwear should be in dark brown or muted colours. Never wear pale or brightly coloured footwear, or basic sports trainers as they will not keep you warm and you will not look the part. Maybe you like a good pair of cargo shorts with plenty of pockets to stash your phone, your wallet and your gear, or maybe you shoot best in soft range pants.
The best shooting range shirts can be long- or short-sleeved. For some people, that means wearing a concealed carry shirt to practice draws, and for others, it means wearing a T-shirt with an OWB holster on the belt.
To pull off your best shots, you need a good stance — and you can only get a good stance if you wear comfortable, supportive range shoes. Wear closed-toed shoes that mirror what you wear day-to-day so you can practice as you normally stand, move and draw. Those are just the basics.
Already have an account? Login here. Non-restrictive clothes which permit a full range of movement are essential for all kinds of shooting and smart, functional clothes will ensure that you look and feel the part.
Most importantly, whatever you decide to wear, make sure you have dressed according to the weather. For your own safety, a good set of ear defenders should be at the top of your list when kitting yourself out for clay shooting — particularly as more shots are likely to be fired during a clay shoot than compared to a game shoot.
For a quality variety of ear plugs and defenders — including some for children — visit the shooting section of our website. Shop Ear Defenders. As you may know, eye protection is often mandatory at registered shoots for those shooting or in the company of shooters.
Aside from protecting your eyes from stray pieces of clay and lead, wearing eye protection can also be an additional safeguard should your gun malfunction. Many of the best shooting glasses offer interchangeable lenses which help to maximise your performance in different lighting conditions. Shop Eye Protection. A durable shooting vest is a worthwhile investment and an important piece of kit for comfortable gun fit and mount.
Looking for more info or hands-on training in gun safety? Check out our private gun training courses for more personalized instruction, or head over to our shooting range classes to view our regular training events.